How many drinks it takes for someone to get intoxicated can vary from person to person. For example, it can depend on how often they drink, their size, and whether or non they have eaten anything recently.

This article looks at alcohol absorption and metabolism, what causes someone to feel drunkard, and what causes hangovers.

It also looks at measuring alcohol and drinking limit recommendations, levels of intoxication, and some frequently asked questions.

a woman drinking a glass of wine and talking about how many drinks it takes her to get drunk Share on Pinterest
A person'due south size can influence the number of drinks it takes for them to get drunk.

As alcohol enters someone's upper alimentary canal, information technology is absorbed through the breadbasket lining into the bloodstream.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), alcohol enters the bloodstream very chop-chop.

The blood carries then the alcohol through the body and into the brain.

If someone has nutrient in their breadbasket, information technology tin wearisome the process of booze absorption down. Otherwise, the body absorbs alcohol very rapidly, and the furnishings tin begin to testify after only 10 minutes.

Booze has an effect on many different systems and organs in the body, which can crusade the sensations that people associate with feeling drunk.

Some of alcohol'due south effects on the torso are equally follows:

  • Alcohol can affect the encephalon and depress the central nervous system.
  • It can also cause the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, resulting in a person feeling relaxed.
  • It downregulates glutamate, which makes someone'southward encephalon slower to respond to stimuli.
  • It also activates gamma-aminobutyric acid, which makes people feel at-home.

The following are some of the factors that contribute to a hangover:

Immune factors

Alcohol has a pregnant result on the immune organisation.

Scientists suggest that increases in inflammatory immune cells contribute to the nausea, fatigue, and headache associated with hangovers.

Disrupted sleep

Alcohol tin can disrupt a person'due south slumber. This tin can cause a person to feel tired the side by side day.

According to the NIAAA, consuming alcohol can crusade fragmented sleep and crusade a person to wake earlier.


Later on assimilation, the body metabolizes alcohol into acetaldehyde, which causes toxic effects and tissue damage.

This may cause some hangover symptoms, including nausea, sweating, and headache.


In the hangover phase, the body can concentrate and metabolize the methanol present in alcohol into toxic compounds.

The body simply metabolizes methanol later on information technology has cleared the ethanol from the system.

Researchers think that this may explain why "the pilus of the canis familiaris" helps delay a hangover. Ethanol itself as well produces a hangover, however.


Congeners are substances nowadays in alcohol. Researchers think that these may contribute to hangover severity.

According to an older 2010 review, beverages containing fewer congeners — such as vodka — may cause fewer hangover symptoms than beverages such as bourbon.

Blood booze concentration (BAC) is the pct of alcohol in someone's blood.

Law enforcement can measure and observe a person's BAC within xxx–70 minutes of them consuming alcohol.

In the United states, a BAC level of 0.08% is the standard to identify legal intoxication. However, some states have additional standards, such every bit a BAC lowered to 0.04% for drivers of commercial vehicles.

Many states impose harsh penalties for drivers whose BAC is exceptionally high.

People can employ a calculator to notice out their approximate BAC level. All the same, they should not rely on this to determine whether or non they are fit to work or drive.

Although the standard to place legal intoxication is a BAC of 0.08% in the U.S., people can become intoxicated at levels lower than this.

Levels of intoxication tin can depend on a person's weight and age. How regularly they drink and when they terminal ate can also affect their intoxication level.

As soon as someone takes a sip of alcohol, it starts to enter their bloodstream. The effects tin can be apparent in equally little equally 10 minutes. Equally someone's BAC increases, they can become more impaired by the effects of intoxication.

The effects of alcohol intoxication may include:

  • slurred voice communication
  • reduced inhibitions
  • impairment of motor abilities
  • confusion
  • memory issues
  • concentration problems

More extreme effects of intoxication tin include animate problems, blackout, and, in rarer cases, death.

The following are ane alcoholic drink equivalents:

  • 12 fluid ounces (oz) of beer with 5% booze
  • v fluid oz of vino with 12% alcohol
  • i.5 fluid oz of spirits with twoscore% alcohol

People should consider the size of the potable and its booze content when calculating how much they have had to drink.

For example, a beer might be more than 12 oz, so even if the alcohol content is still 5%, it would be more than ane beverage equivalent.

Mixed beverages and cocktails vary in their alcohol content and can contain a variable number of drinkable equivalents.

The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that if a person consumes alcohol, it should be in moderation.

This equates to up to one drink per day for females and upwardly to two drinks per twenty-four hour period for males.

Co-ordinate to the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, high take chances and binge drinking are classified in the following means:

High take chances drinking

  • four or more drinks on any day, or eight or more drinks per calendar week, for females
  • v or more drinks on whatsoever solar day, or xv or more drinks per week, for males

Binge drinking

  • the consumption of four or more than drinks inside about 2 hours for females
  • the consumption of five or more drinks within virtually 2 hours for males

People who should avoid drinking

Some people should non potable alcohol at all, while others may demand to limit their alcohol consumption at sure times.

These groups include:

  • people under the age of 21 years old
  • women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • people taking certain medications
  • people recovering from alcohol use disorder (AUD)
  • individuals who are driving or planning to drive
  • people who are doing activities or piece of work that requires coordination and alertness
  • those who are unable to command the corporeality they beverage

Excessive drinking can have negative effects. These include:

  • a higher gamble of many chronic conditions
  • a higher risk of violence
  • issues with short- or long-term cognitive function
  • accidental injuries
  • risky or impulsive sexual behavior

The sections below list some ofttimes asked questions:

How many drinks does it take to get drunk for the starting time time?

If someone has never consumed alcohol before, it usually takes fewer drinks to go intoxicated. How quickly they get drunk tin also depend on their size and whether or not they have eaten anything recently.

Someone who is drinking for the first time should be particularly mindful of how many drinks they consume, as they will exist unaware of their tolerance levels.

Underage drinking is associated with consequences such as accidents, social problems, and death.

How quickly will I get drunk if I have not eaten?

The presence of food in the breadbasket can slow down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream.

If a person has non eaten annihilation recently, they should be particularly careful nigh how much they drink.

Can I get drunkard on nonalcoholic beverages?

Just drinks with booze content can make someone drunk.

Nevertheless, information technology is important to check the ingredients of all beverages earlier consuming them, as some may look like soft drinks but contain alcohol.

What happens if I mix alcohol with other drugs?

Co-ordinate to the NIAAA, booze tin have dangerous interactions with other drugs, including:

  • prescription drugs
  • over-the-counter medications
  • recreational drugs
  • herbal remedies

If a person mixes booze and certain medications, they may experience:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • headaches
  • fainting
  • drowsiness
  • loss of coordination

There may also exist a chance of internal bleeding, breathing difficulties, and heart problems.

Information technology can also make sure medications less effective.

People should non mix booze with other drugs unless they have checked with a medical professional beginning.

AUD is the term that medical professionals use when someone's drinking habits get dangerous.

The NIAAA gauge that roughly fifteen million people in the U.S. have AUD. AUD is a chronic relapsing condition characterized past:

  • compulsive alcohol use
  • loss of command over alcohol intake
  • a negative emotional state when not using alcohol

If someone is concerned about their alcohol intake or its furnishings on them or other people, they should talk to their doctor.

There are a number of factors that determine how many drinks it takes for someone to get drunk. People should consider this when drinking, especially if they are doing and so for the first time.

Condign intoxicated tin can put someone in danger, and long-term excessive booze consumption tin can lead to ill health and habit.

People who are nether the age of 21, pregnant, or planning to bulldoze should avoid alcohol altogether.

A person can enjoy booze in moderation at the recommended guideline amounts.