What Is the Shelf Life of Sweet Baby Ray's Bbq Sauce

Barbecue sauce lasts for one to two years. And since virtually of its ingredients either terminal a long time or are natural preservatives, it usually retains quality manner by the printed date.

Once yous open the bottle, yous still get at least a couple of months of decent quality, if not more.

Merely that doesn't hateful that BBQ sauce tin't go bad and that it keeps its flavor forever. It doesn't.

Want to learn a thing or two aboutspoilage, shelf life, or storage of BBQ sauce?

If and then, this article is for you. Let'south spring right in.

Bottle of bbq sauce
Bottle of bbq sauce

Does BBQ Sauce Go Bad?

Charcoal-broil sauce doesn't easily go bad, merely information technology doesn't continue forever. Over time, the flavor and overall quality degrade, and at some point, you might want to discard it for quality purposes, not because it'south spoiled (as in unsafe to eat).

BBQ sauce lasts for a long fourth dimension even after opening the bottle, thanks to its ingredients.

Information technology contains several natural preservatives such as vinegar, saccharide, and lemon juice. And many of the other ingredients, such as molasses, love apple paste, or mustard seeds, last quite a while too.

Overall, if you do everything right when information technology comes to storage (more on that later), your bbq sauce will more likely lose its quality much sooner than it volition go bad.

That said, if your BBQ sauce sits in storage for a prolonged period, it might separate. Permit's talk about that.


Separation in BBQ sauce is normal. And past separation, I hateful that there'southward a layer of liquid on peak, and the residuum of the sauce is, understandably, denser.

If your sauce sits in the pantry for who-knows-how-long, it will well-nigh probable separate, and that's okay.

To fix separated BBQ sauce, you requite it a proficient milkshake earlier you open the canteen. It should help comprise everything together into a smooth texture.

If your sauce sits untouched in storage for months and it doesn't divide, it likely contains some artificial preservatives that help it go on its texture.

That said, if your sauce has separated completely, equally in the bottom is pretty solid and the top liquid, assume that the sauce is done for. If things got to this bespeak, I'k pretty sure it sat in storage for style longer than those mentioned two years and change.

Having that out of the style, let'due south talk about bodily signs of your barbecue sauce beingness spoiled.

BBQ sauce on a tablespoon
BBQ sauce on a tablespoon

Signs of Spoilage

Throw out your BBQ sauce if:

  • There's mold on the surface or sides. It's a sure sign the condiment is done for.
  • The sauce smells off. If it smells sour, kind of one-time and stale, or gives off a funny olfactory property, it'southward time for it to go.
  • The texture has changed. You lot already know that some separation is fine, but if your BBQ sauce is super thick, slimy, or clumpy instead of smoothen and spreadable, it'south no practiced.
  • It's as well old. If you're non comfortable using barbecue sauce that's as old as yours (e.g., a yr past the printed date), it's okay to toss information technology.

At present that yous checked if the sauce is safe to eat, it'southward fourth dimension to assess the taste. Eat a picayune and run across how that goes.

If your BBQ sauce is tasteless, at that place'southward no point in pouring it all over your chicken, pork, or pizza. In other words, it's fourth dimension to allow information technology go. Merely if it tastes expert, congratulations, feel costless to use it.

BBQ sauce tin can darken afterward prolonged storage (just like hot sauce or Tabasco). As long as it smells and tastes okay, it'southward safe to consume.

Bread with pulled pork and barbecue sauce
Bread with pulled pork and barbecue sauce

How Long Does BBQ Sauce Concluding?

Barbecue sauce comes with a shelf life of one to two years and easily keeps for a few months past the printed engagement. In one case y'all open up the bottle, it retains quality for at least 4 to 6 months, often longer.

At the stop of the twenty-four hours, the shelf life of bbq sauce is usually virtually its quality, not safety. As long equally the sauce is safe to consume and tastes proficient enough, it's fine to eat it, even if information technology's out-of-date for a few months.

That's the gist of it. Permit's talk well-nigh some specifics situations.

Expired BBQ Sauce

BBQ sauce comes with a all-time-by date that's one to two years from the day it was bottled. The of import thing here is that it's a all-time-by appointment, not an expiration date. Information technology'due south about food quality, not prophylactic.

In other words, the make informs you how long their bbq sauce should taste delicious. And that doesn't say anything virtually if or when the condiment goes bad.

That begs the question:how long is bbq sauce good for after the expiration date?

A couple of months is a pretty safe bet, peradventure more. That's the all-time estimate one could give.

It all depends on a number of factors, such equally the overall quality of the sauce, the corporeality of preservatives used, and what quality you deem acceptable. Based on those, information technology can exist between a few months and more than a year.

An like shooting fish in a barrel way to go about it is to make certain you lot're comfortable with its engagement, then checking for signs of spoilage, and lastly assessing the taste. If all three tests get a pass, you're complimentary to apply that charcoal-broil sauce.

BBQ sauce: date on the cap
BBQ sauce: date on the cap

Afterward Opening

Once yous open the jar or bottle of BBQ sauce, the condiment should keep quality for at least a couple of months in the fridge.

When it comes to exact periods, some brands requite you specific guidelines (e.1000., that you should use open up BBQ sauce within 4 to 6 months), while others go out y'all with the printed date.

If there isn't any specific info on the shelf life of open BBQ sauce, presume that it should keep until the engagement on the label.

Of course, bbq sauce typically keeps for longer than the given periods, so if yours is open for a couple of extra weeks or months, information technology's probably going to be okay. Only make sure it'southward condom to employ before actually using information technology, and you're good to go.

BBQ sauce in a bottle
BBQ sauce in a canteen

Homemade BBQ Sauce

Bootleg BBQ sauce is a bit unlike than its store-bought analogue.

For starters, it stays safe for well-nigh a calendar week, and that'southward the period most recipes suggest.

Next, storing it for mode longer than suggested isn't a good idea. Your homemade charcoal-broil sauce isn't pasteurized, then you don't actually know if it's free from microbes or not.

In other words, if you're whipping your ain bbq sauce, brand but as much every bit y'all can utilize inside a week. And if what you lot accept in the fridge is more than a calendar week erstwhile, assume that information technology's gone bad.

Pulled pork with BBQ sauce
Pulled pork with BBQ sauce

How To Shop BBQ Sauce

An unopened bottle of shop-bought BBQ should sit down in a cool and dry out place, away from sources of heat. A cupboard in the pantry or in the kitchen works just fine.

Once you open the bottle, brand sure it'due south ever sealed tightly and keep it in the refrigerator.

Those are the basics that work well for almost all BBQ sauces out at that place.

There are, however, some exceptions to these rules. For example, if the BBQ sauce you bought at a farmer'due south market says it requires refrigeration, you lot definitely should refrigerate it.

Now, to make sure your barbecue sauce lasts as long as possible,always employ clean spoons when scooping it. And if you lot need some for dipping, pour it into a dedicated bowl, and discard the leftovers afterward the meal.

For bonus points, you can store the one-half-open bottle upside downward. This limits the amount of air that gets to the additive and slows downwardly the degradation process. The same trick works for ketchup.

As you tin can tell, these storage rules are pretty general and piece of work for many other condiments (east.g., mustard).

Last simply not least, remember thatyou lot should e'er air-condition homemade barbecue sauce and keep it in a sealed container.


Source: https://www.canitgobad.net/can-barbecue-sauce-go-bad/

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