Can You Use a Curling Iron on a Wig

Wigs are definitely having a moment right now and, NGL, I'k not certain why it hasn't happen sooner. Recall about information technology: Wigs are so damn versatile. Depending on the type of wig you choose, you can cut it, curlicue it, or color it so that it fits your vibe. Plus, they're a great protective fashion option—wigs encompass your natural hair from any potential harm, while still giving you lot the liberty to experiment with all types of looks. But before yous go in on your wig, a few basis rules need to exist established. That's why I reached out to Brittany Johnson, hairstylist and senior content manager for Mayvenn Hair, to run united states of america through exactly how to style a wig without ruining your hair.

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What's the divergence between a constructed hair wig and a human being hair wig?

According to Johnson, homo pilus wigs are more than expensive but they look (and feel) more than realistic, they're safe for heat styling, and if you lot take care of them right, they'll last you at least a year. Synthetic wigs await less natural and you usually can't rut style them (more on that below), but they're way more than wallet-friendly and need less upkeep than man hair wigs, says Johnson.

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Tin can you fashion a synthetic wig?

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Eh, information technology'south a flake complicated—you want to read the wig manufacturer'southward label before bringing a flat iron or crimper wand near your synthetic wig, says Johnson. The thing is, sometimes wigs are marketed equally synthetic, but they're actually made up of a blend of human and synthetic hair, meaning they tin exist styled with low heat. Typically though, Johnson says a full constructed wig isn't something that you tin can style with hot tools. They usually come in preset looks that are set into the synthetic fibers of the wig, so creating a different look without ruining the wig is super difficult, she adds.

With man hair wigs, yous've got way more options when it comes to styling your hair, says Johnson. Recall: Yous should care for these wigs like you would your own hair. This ways spritzing on a heat-protectant spray all over before using any hot tools. Johnson too recommends removing your wig while yous slumber and placing it on a wig head (or laying it apartment in a silk or satin bag) to keep your style intact for longer, while as well limiting your use of rut.

Is there anything you should do to your wig earlier styling it?

TBH, prepping your human pilus wig isn't all that different from getting your own pilus ready for styling. First, you want to make certain that your wig is fully detangled, says Johnson. Apply a detangling brush to smooth out whatever knots and tangles. Pro tip: Start from the ends and motion your way up while brushing. This'll make certain that you don't end up with tons of breakage.

Next you'll apply a lite get out-in conditioner (to increase moisture levels) and a estrus protectant spray (to protect your wig from heat damage). If you desire to use as few products as possible, Johnson recommends looking for a ii-in-one product that'll hydrate and protect. If your wig is wavy or curly, Johnson suggests using a curl-enhancing leave-in production, and then either letting the product air-dry or using a blow-dryer and diffuser on low heat. This'll help yous go some well-divers texture.

What tools and products should you lot apply to style a wig?

Whatsoever and all hot tools are fair game if y'all're dealing with a human hair wig. But, equally Johnson says, you desire to effort to avoid constantly heat-styling your wigs, since excess estrus can lead to potential damage. Same goes for wash day—Johnson suggests skipping the blow-dry and air-drying your wig whenever you tin.

Johnson also recommends avoiding products with silicones (especially when it comes to cleansing) to prevent buildup (which, for the tape, can brand information technology harder for the hair to hold on to moisture, leaving your wig looking and feeling hella dry). That said, if there's silicone in your favorite gel or styling product (you know, that one you're merely non willing to surrender), Johnson says you lot tin apply a clarifying shampoo, followed by a deep-conditioning treatment, to bring your wig back to life.

Tin y'all create an updo look on a wig?

Yes, but it depends on what wig you have, says Johnson. There are iv types of wigs: fix-to-wear, lace forepart, 360 lace, and full lace. Johnson recommends getting a 360 lace wig or a full lace wig if you desire the power to create a true updo. "The entire hairline on these wig units are fully customizable," she says.

With a 360 lace wig, there'southward lace around the full perimeter of the wig, plus a wig cap that'south placed in the centre. The lace blends right in with your scalp, so you're able to throw your hair up into a ponytail or a bun. Johnson says they typically go from $150 to over $400, depending on where you purchase the wig from, the type of hair, and the length.

A full lace wig is exactly what it sounds like—the base of the wig is fabricated upwards of lace, says Johnson. You literally have all the options when it comes to styling total lace wigs—because the lace mimics the look of your scalp, you lot don't have to worry virtually the tracks underneath showing, which means you tin can wear it whatsoever fashion your center desires. P.Due south. though: They can get expensive, costing anywhere from $200 to well over $600.

If y'all don't care about rocking a high pony or a messy bun, Johnson recommends opting for a lace front wig instead of a ready-to-wear wig. A lace front wig is more expensive than a ready-to-wear wig (they range from $150 to over $400, while ready-to-wear wigs range from $50 to $200) but because lace front wigs have a 4x4 inch lace closure in the forepart of the piece, they give you more styling options.

The final word

Even though a man pilus wig will exist more $$$ than a synthetic wig, it's for sure worth it if you desire to have some fun styling the unit. A wig gives you lot the liberty to switch up your look without putting stress on your existent pilus or without really committing to a mode. Simply keep in mind that fifty-fifty though it isn't your actual hair, you still want to care for it with love (aka always using heat protectant, detangling gently, that kind of thing) if you want it to look shiny and stay good for you.

Demand some fashion inspo for your wig? Look no farther:

1. These loose waves

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2. This top-knot look

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3. These beachy waves

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4. These double-buns

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five. These hair accessories

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Ama Kwarteng was previously the associate beauty editor at Cosmopolitan.

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